Fascism, Communism, Socialism, etc., these terms may not seem very relevant individually, but they all share a common thread of totalitarianism. Many people overlook this fundamental aspect of “communism” or “socialism.” At its core, the brilliance of Karl Marx was in devising a marketing strategy for despotism.
Initially, it appeals to people’s inherent sense of goodness, fairness, and kindness. Then, it highlights the world’s injustices and inequality. It suggests that these issues can be resolved if enough people support “equity.” Simultaneously, it attracts the lazy, the power-hungry, and the naive or lost individuals. The lazy desire a free ride. The power-hungry recognize the opportunity for control and are eager to participate, seeing the division between rulers and the ruled, aspiring to become rulers themselves. The naive and lost simply seek guidance.
Marx effectively outlined this marketing strategy, with detailed tactics presented in the Communist Manifesto.
You can call it whatever you want, communism, socialism, wokeness, save the environment, any form of do-gooder-ism but the blueprint stays the same. Most people want to be good, truly. But many people want to appear to be good to appeal to the people who actually want to be good. But true “goodness” requires selflessness, which itself also requires bravery as well as intelligence. Yes, bravery and intelligence are required. Unfortunately, while many people have the intelligence, they don’t have the willingness to do the research. To think it through, or discover that it has been tried before.
Many times.
Read ‘the Rise and fall of the third reich ‘.
Read the Quran,
read ‘the Communist manifesto’.
Dig a bit deeper. You probably have the intelligence, but do you have the courage to discover the truth about what is actually going on?
Currently communism is competing with Islamism for world domination. Trying to wrestle it away from “capitalism” or “democracy” or whatever you want to call the western world view. But both communism and Islamism are just different forms of totalitarianism. But both are strangely selling the idea of “good”. Either good as the word of God or good as equity, diversity and inclusion. But those supposed objectives are really not the objective.
The actual objective is subjugation of the population and complete control by some ruling class or theocracy. They will not offer you the “equity” they wll have. Probably the Chinese and the caliphate will have to fight it out in the end if we don’t smarten up and take action very soon.