Currently the world,  not just Canada, is fighting a battle between national sovereignty on the one hand and some combination of; communism (DEI), globalism and Islamism  on the other.

Rearding this silly posturing about the USA and Trump. The USA has it’s own natural resources, a population, GDP, and a military 10 times Canada’s. It currently has a leader who is very clear about where he stands on most topics, specifically nationalism.
His whole identity and purpose is Make America Great Again, in case someone missed that.
MOST of what people think of Trump comes from CBC and MSM leftist propaganda. MOST of it is inaccurate at best, but primarily manipulative, deceptive and destructive.

As far as the US “annexing” Canada, they would only do that IF THEY HAVE TO!
BUT, if they decided to, it would happen in 72 hours.
The USA, way before Trump, was never going to allow a hostile foreign power to take up residence on its border. As long as Canada’s interests were in alignment with the USA, Canada did not actually even need a military (and from an global perspective,  does not have one). Canada has been a protectorate of the USA for a long time. With Trump, the USA is definitely not going to allow a hostile foreign power; communist, globalist nor Islamic to form on its northern border.
If Canada truly diverges from the interests of the USA (as it has been doing), and becomes a threat, the wailing of the woke and stupid, will not prevent the US from taking actions that serve the interests of the USA.

In truth, the current so called government of Canada is operating as a dictatorship with no substantive mandate from the citizens. If Trudeau pushs things too far, he (and we) will find out just how powerful the USA Can be.

Some people recognize these are not “normal times”. There are two major wars now happening, one over territory and one over ideology/religion. We have been led to believe we were past all that, but reality seems to disagree.  Trump has already impacted the Isreal conflict and may be on the way to resolving the Ukrainian war. Trudeau is in NO way acting in the best interests of the Canadian people.

Some people recognize that it is not “business as usual” but most are still asleep. 

Seriously folks, diplomacy (and Trump has a unique style) comes first, but if necessary other options will be applied.

Currently the (mostly) peaceful, fat-and-happy days we have lived in for 3 generations since the horrors of World War Two are hanging by a thread. Trump (and his team) know this.
Does Canada?

A glimpse of Trump’s viewpoint
Who really supports a free Canada? (Trump on freedom convoy)

What can we do as individuals? Not a lot, but we can “not cower” in fear to speak up when what we know, or believe, to be true is questioned, challenged or scoffed at. It may take some courage to speak contrary to the accepted narratives. 

The people of the USA voted their true thoughts, and if Canadian polls are at all accurate, MOST Canadians also think something is seriously wrong with the agenda the current people in power have been pursuing.

Apparently, WE are the majority, so why should we cower in fear of the opinions of people who seem to be confused, misguided or brainwashed?

I am not suggesting aggression or combative actions, only being fearless enough to not passively agree with policies and actions we believe to be wrong.